Thank you for purchasing the Covidisor. Your support as an early adopter is particularly appreciated!
Based on feedback and experience, the best way to get you started using the Covidisor is to walk you through it via a personal Zoom call. We’ll show you how to connect the filters, fan, and battery; how to correctly don and doff the Covidisor; and we’ll answer all your questions in real time.
Please email us at or direct message us via Instagram (@covidisor) when you receive your Covidisor and we’ll schedule a Zoom call the same day.
Setting up the Covidisor
Connecting the Filters
- The front two filters use a three-prong “bayonet” mount. One of the prongs is smaller than the other two. Match the smaller prong in the mount with the smaller opening in the back of the filter.
- Press the filter in slightly and rotate it clockwise until you hear a click (about 45 degrees).
Connecting the fan
- If you have the latest Covidisor:
- The fan assembly consists of a filter base, a N95 exhaust filter and the fan with its casing. To connect the fan to the sphere, just slide it into the short pipe segment protruding from the back of the sphere.
- If you have the original Covidisor:
- The white round filter in the back of the Covidisor is the exhaust filter.
- To connect the fan to it, first orient the Covidisor so the back filter is facing up then connect the fan to it by rotating it twice. No need to tighten it.
Putting on the Covidisor
- Place the battery in a pocket or purse.
- Connect the long cable to the speed controller.
- Turn on the fan.
- Pick up the Covidisor, let the shroud hang loose, bring down the Covidisor over your head with the shroud remaining outside. Once your head is in the unit, rotate it forward so the inner hat fits comfortably.
- With the fan running you should feel the air coming up your neck.
- Pull the drawstring of the shroud so it becomes snug around your neck (if you have the original Covidisor, run the elastic band around your neck, and inside the fan cable, and tie it in a snug bowtie).
At this point you should feel the air switch to coming in from the front filters and no longer up your neck. It’s important that the shroud be snug around your neck so the air enters the sphere via the front filters and not up along your neck. - You can adjust the speed of the fan via the speed controller connected to the batter.
Taking off the Covidisor
- Loosen the shroud’s drawstring.
- With both hands, rotate the Covidisor sphere slightly back and then pick up the sphere straight up.